Donʼs personal mission is to “love people into their destiny.” After working for a few years in the automotive industry, and then in the construction industry, he pursued a career as an electrician. He was a journeyman electrician until 2004 when he left that industry to work full time as the Senior Pastor of Impact Church. Don and his wife, Christa, had been serving together at Impact Church in the capacities of Worship Arts, Young Single Adults Ministry, and as Childrenʼs Pastors. They were appointed and ordained as church Elders in 1997 and became the Senior Pastors together in 1999. In 2008, Don began reaching out to other Senior Pastors in the greater Sacramento region by hosting a complimentary quarterly luncheon. Twenty Pastors attended the first gathering, and that number has grown to over 350 pastors that have attended over the last 6 years. This informal, relational network is known as City Pastors Fellowship and has provided a powerful vehicle for prayer, encouragement and greater unity among the Christian leaders in the region.
Don and Christa live in Roseville with their four daughters.